Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A vegan in a family of meat-eaters, that is exactly what I am. I have been a vegetarian and thoroughly enjoyed it but just recently I have decided to take the plunge into a completely vegan diet. Many people turn to a vegan diet as part of their support in animal rights. I too, support animal rights however the main reasons I made the change was in support of my own personal health. I wish to completely avoid the hormone filled, protein and saturated fat overloaded foods that come from animal products. Meat-Eaters have been raised surrounded by a world of information supporting the extreme amount of animal and animal products that it takes to keep humans alive and healthy, at one point in time I believed in all of that nonsense as well. Most of my family still stands by those deep rooted meat eating beliefs and see me as borderline psychotic because of the dietary changes that I have made. Actually, I have yet to tell my fiancé that I have decided to stop eating all animal products as well. I guess he knows now, and in his eyes I have gone from borderline psychotic to a complete nutcase in serious need of an intervention! So how do I continue with my healthier vegan lifestyle when I am surrounded by meat-eaters who think that I have gone off the nutritional deep end? One meal and one day at a time, I suppose. I guess that is why I have started this blog, in support of my fellow vegans who are struggling to eat a healthy meal in a meat-based world of food.
Of course, the content of my blog will not only be focused on my struggle to maintain my newly established vegan lifestyle but to anything that can nurture the health of my family. Hopefully those who read my blog will take away something that helps support their own efforts to sustain their own family’s wellbeing and maybe encourage a few people to make changes to their own meat based diet.
I know that I am not alone in my decision to become a vegan but here I feel like I am the Lone Vegan Mom. :)

1 comment:

  1. you are not alone in you thought process or you convictions. although i have now returned to a vegetarian staus, it is vegan with occasional skim latte'. I too am primarily concerned with health issues. keep it up, your family will thank you in the long run.
