Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Vegan Inspiration

     So what made me decide to take the plunge from vegetarian to vegan? Well, I have been interested in the health benefits of a diet free of animal products for a while but I had so many questions I needed to answer before embarking on my vegan adventure. How would I get enough protein? Can I afford to make this drastic change in my diet? How do I tell my family? Can you really be healthy without eating any animal products? All of these questions were answered for me when my little sister recommended I read the "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouim.

     This book has been around for a while and I had heard of it but my assumptions based upon it's title were completely wrong. This book has changed the way I view my diet and the way I view our government's relationship with the meat industry. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is considering a vegetarian/vegan diet and needs a straight forward answer to all their questions. Believe me, they will give you extremely blunt answers to any questions you have ever had regarding the meat industry, the insane amount of crap that is added to all animal products and the steps you can take to ease into or dive into being a vegan.

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